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Are you often tired and lethargic, not feeling quite right, or are you looking for sweet or salty food to give you that extra bit of energy to get you through the day? Are you also prone to allergies or sensitivities? Do you get moody?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might find that the food your eating may be impacting on your health. Food can impact on your health in a negative way, and it can also be transformational. Taking on a clean eating can be truly life changing.

Eating Real “whole food” can make all the difference not only to your current state of health but your long-term health and well-being. Research shows that the food you eat today can have a great impact on your future, a healthy whole food diet can help support against lifestyle diseases, such as cancer, age-related eye disease, type two diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disease, obesity and depression. Naturally lifestyle factors such as exercise, stress management, sleep and relaxation all play a part.

What is Whole Food?

When I talk about whole food, I’m talking about food that is presented in the way that nature intended it to be. This food includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, meat, legumes and whole grains. When eating these foods, they should be left in a state as close to their natural form as possible. This process then allows these whole foods to retain their fibre and maintain their beneficial phytochemicals and nutrients. Processed food, or those that are packaged, no longer appear in their natural state and have been leached of their goodness via a series of processes that prolong their lifespan. They are often high in salt, sugar and chemical additives to give them food flavour and colour. Processed food often contain empty calories.

However, with our busy lifestyles comes the demand for convenient, fast foods and this is certainly to the detriment of the health of our society. I believe that we can eat healthy on the run with Whole Foods, it’s just a matter of being aware of what we are eating, and we can prepare healthier food options in faster times.

7 Ways to Improve Your Diet

If you’re seeking to improve your health, then look critically at what you are eating, and make changes. The following tips can help you improve your diet.

  1. Eat whole grains instead of refined grains – substitute refined cereals for wholegrain muesli filled with nuts and seeds. Use whole grain rice instead of refined pasta.

  2. Consume fresh vegetables – Buy fresh, organic vegetables, rather than frozen or canned or dehydrated vegetables.

  3. Buy real meat in place of processed meat – Choose fresh chicken breast, instead of frozen chicken nuggets or sausages.

  4. Leave out the chips – Vegetable sticks, olives and nuts instead of a packet of chips. Have you tried kale chips?

  5. Real juice – Real 100% juice, freshly squeezed in place of reconstituted juice.

  6. Grab fruit for a sweet treat – When looking for a sweet treat grab a piece of fruit over a lolly, cake or biscuit.

  7. Plan your meals – Be organised with your meals so your not opting for the unhealthy alternative. Write a weekly menu and shop accordingly.

Key Benefits of Eating a Whole Food Diet

There a number of benefits to eating whole foods, these are as follows:

1. healthy weight; 2. hormonal balance; 3. healthy mood; 4. clear skin; 5. healthy digestion; 6. good energy and motivation; 7. quality sleep; 8. strong immunity; 9. productivity; and 10. combats disease.

I see many symptoms subside, diminish and even disappear in a reasonably short time in my clinic. This is attributed to the fact that people simply change from packaged, chemical laden food to a whole food diet. So if you’re hungry for better health, you may like to try a whole food diet.

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